Our healing center, Christ Healing Center, in San Antonio, Texas, has started another gathering for healing of the soul. We call it Creative Collective. We soak, listen, create, share, and together express the heart of Jesus to one another.
Yesterday, I brought my collection of magazines, glue sticks, scissors, poster board, and a listening heart to the group. Each one there had their own creative moments. Two were musicians, two were writers, two were doing visual art, and one (a teenager) was worshiping artistically in her nap!:)
At the end of our time, we each shared what our creatives had spoken to us about connecting with God and each other.
I began with a Lectio Divina reading of the healing of the paralytic in Mark 2. The words that stood out to me were from Mark 2:5.
"Son, your sins are forgiven..."
With those words ruminating in my heart, I perused through the magazines for pictures that called out to me. I cut them out and glued them to my poster-board card. Then, I asked God to reveal what He is saying to me about myself. Here is what I got:
I am one who is God's son. He forgives me over and over.
He is saying,
"Don't look back except to restore all in Truth.
I AM coloring your world. You no longer have to be black and white. Reach up towards the Son. Go higher! There are mountains you will climb.
Sing a new song. There is a new melody for your life!
Looking up, you will soar and be transformed!"
I love it! I receive it! And, I release this blessing over all who read it!