Friday, July 23, 2010

Not retired! Re-fired!!

Today was a turning point in my life. Sitting on my friend's back porch sipping coffee with another dear friend opened my eyes (once again) to the power God placed in women and the love He wants to pour out through us to each other.  We had opened our souls to each other and shared deep things.  We were comfortable in each others presence and sensed a connection that comes from the love of the Lord and the willingness to be vulnerable.  We moved our coffee clache  into town to meet three other beautiful women at Larry's Mexican restaurant, the place to meet in Richmond, TX!!  As we met for one short hour over chalupas and tacos,  God knitted our hearts together in a powerful way. Friends of 45 years and friends of 45 minutes became friends for life!

So what was the turning point?  I realized that the ministry God had called me to years ago was found in these relationships.  As Frances and I drove home to San Antonio, we both knew we were supposed to have retreats for women, helping them though the loss that comes to us in life. The collective wisdom that is in each of these lovely ladies is needed for the next generation!  Look out world! Here we come!!

Be watching for information on our first retreat! It will be somewhere in Texas, sometime in the Spring! 

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