Saturday, February 6, 2010

Anxious to get my fingers dirty!!!

The sun has come out and the ground is muddy form a week's worth of steady rain. That is a real treat in San Antonio, TX!  I have so much to learn about what to plant in this climate! I love roses and peonies and hollyhocks and daisies. I watched my mom plant those gorgeous plants.  But here isn our semi-arid clime they need too much care.  If anyone has any suggestions for flowering plants have worked well for you in this area, I would love to hear about it.

And what the heck do we do with all the Esperanza seed pods????

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul!

My soul longs to bless You, Father;
But at times my soul feels dead.
As I remember the saddest day of my life,
The day that Stevie died, I will bless You.

I bless You for Your tender kindness;
That You did not reject me in my anger towards You.
I bless You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus;
Who willingly laid down His life so that Stevie could be with You forever.
I bless You that even though we do not always receive that You "healeth all our diseases,"
Because You cannot lie- It is so.

I bless You by faith because my feelings, my soul's window, do not realize the fact of blessing today.

I bless You because I must.
I bless You in doubt.
I bless You in the rocky, dry, dusty barren places, where I find myself;
Like a lost sheep- in desperate need of a Shepherd.

This life is so short.
I bless You in the shortness, the shortness that spares our True selves- those born-again bits.

You are always present and always right on time;
In time to spare me from myself. Thank You.

But let me be a blessing to You and know that You adore me.
I want to see You look at me with tender affection;
To feel You pat my face, and stroke my hair, and hear You say,
"You have blessed Me, Child."