Ode to Dirty Dishes or Life in an RV
For years I hated cleaning them,
The dirty dishes in my sink.
I’d argue with my spouse,
Whose turn? to wash
The dishes in my sink.
So God in His amazing grace,
Gave me a sink so small,
Doing dishes was a chore
That I could barely do at all!
We’d moved into an RV
Life was simple
Life was fun.
I loved everything about it,
That is except for one.
For five long years I struggled
With a sink sized eight by eight,
A sink so small,
It didn’t even fit a single plate!
So cooking, which I loved to do,
Was limited to soup and stew and such,
Things that could be eaten from a single coffee cup.
Now, that stage of life is past
We moved back to a house.
Sometimes I miss our RV,
Where I felt snug as a mouse.
We have progressed, and have at last
A real kitchen sink,
I find such joy in cleaning
Those dirty dishes in my sink.
They reveal that I’ve been cooking,
Things like pot roast, shrimp and quail.
God’s wisdom and His lessons
I have never seen to fail.
He taught me how at last to love the dishes in my sink.
I never will complain again,
At least, I won’t, I think!
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