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I Can only Imagine! |
But as it is written:
Eye has no seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.
I have been meditating on this verse for the last few days. Here are some of the thoughts I have had, breaking it down, phrase by phrase:
- Eye has not seen - No matter how much revelation I have been given, no matter how many healings and miracles I have seen, no matter how many God incidents I see - There is always more! "You ain't seen nothing yet!"
- Nor ear heard - It doesn't matter how many times or ways He says He loves me - There is more! There is no end to our conversation. His secrets that He wants to reveal to me are infinite!
- Nor entered into the heart of man - What grows in my heart? Love, desire, purpose, mercy, kindness, goodness, faith, faithfulness, longing, joy, and yet, as wondrous as these are - There is more! In my intimacy with God, it is like a Divine Rapture that sends me into a realm of oneness, calm , total effortless peace; a place of total union with God...sublime!
- The things which God has prepared for those who love Him - I can only imagine...Selah. (Pause and think about that) As I survey my life, I realize I could never have believed the mysteries I have experienced. I could never have imagined that He would turn my tragedies into Triumphs. But I can say, unequivocally, I love Him more today, than yesterday; and as my love grows, I know the revelation He gives will grow as well - There is more!