Refreshments from my heart to yours!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Gently Stirred or Passion Spent?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Got any holes?

I had a dream yesterday.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Rejoice with Me, Somebody!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009
More thoughts on Salt

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Salt and Light

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ode to Dirty Dishes or Life in an RV
For years I hated cleaning them,
The dirty dishes in my sink.
I’d argue with my spouse,
Whose turn? to wash
The dishes in my sink.
So God in His amazing grace,
Gave me a sink so small,
Doing dishes was a chore
That I could barely do at all!
We’d moved into an RV
Life was simple
Life was fun.
I loved everything about it,
That is except for one.
For five long years I struggled
With a sink sized eight by eight,
A sink so small,
It didn’t even fit a single plate!
So cooking, which I loved to do,
Was limited to soup and stew and such,
Things that could be eaten from a single coffee cup.
Now, that stage of life is past
We moved back to a house.
Sometimes I miss our RV,
Where I felt snug as a mouse.
We have progressed, and have at last
A real kitchen sink,
I find such joy in cleaning
Those dirty dishes in my sink.
They reveal that I’ve been cooking,
Things like pot roast, shrimp and quail.
God’s wisdom and His lessons
I have never seen to fail.
He taught me how at last to love the dishes in my sink.
I never will complain again,
At least, I won’t, I think!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Birthday America!
In these days of political unrest, financial troubles and dwindling hope for a secure future that is constantly being pounded into our brains by the "state-owned media", I find my thoughts reflecting on the people I know or have met in my life.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Early Morning Worship

Sometimes, I just can't help myself! I have to express what is in my heart with bad poetry. Here is a peek into my heart this morning...hope it blesses.
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Still waiting for the baby!! I would say he is definetly on his own time schedule. He will probably have a mind of his own.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Come Soon, Baby Boy!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Here I am, Lord!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Paths of Glory
Life in the Spirit is never dull!
I am always learning and relearning truths that lift me into the heavenly realm.
When I first chose to follow Jesus, I made a decision to give him a try. It was a conscious, rational choice. I asked Jesus to come into my heart and be my Lord. There were no bells, no angel choirs, just me and the cool night air. Standing alone in my front yard, I made the most radical, life-transforming decision of my life, and I felt nothing! Zip! Nada!
BUT, the next morning when I went to college and told my friends what I had done.....50,000 volts of electricity flooded over me and I experienced God! The decision came first. The power and excitement came only after I told others about it!
I think every spiritual adventure may be that way for me. Maybe for you, too! Believe in your heart, choose life, choose to live BIG and tell someone! Act on the decisions made. Power will come!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Getting Involved?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I Miss You Stevie

Stevie, I thought of you today.
Sometimes it seems the pain will never go away.
Your short life gifted us with joy!
You were a courageous little boy.
Your long death gifted us with
compassion for others.
I still can hear your sweet voice asking,
"Do you think I could go sleep in Jesus' bed?"
I wish it could have been me instead.
Love you son.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pruning for Glory

I love sunflowers.
As a girl growing up, my mom and brother and I would drive our VW bug convertible through Kansas, top down, and absolutely glory in the miles and miles of sunflowers in full bloom. (I will try to find a picture and upload) I learned that the farmers would leave the flowers to dry on the stem until they were filled with sunflower seeds. We never passed by at harvest time, so all I had ever seen were the flowers at their radiant peak.
So, when these serendipitous flowers arrived in the garden, I decided to watch and see the seeds appear. I want to see if the birds discover them, too. Well, it didn't take long before there were lots of flowers, so I couldn't resist cutting a few for a bouquet.
At first after cutting I would just pull up the rest of the plant, because somehow I had it in mind that they only bloomed once.
A few days ago, I decided to leave the stem and see if it would put out another bloom. Hallelujah! There are three!
I was reminded again about the pruning of the Lord. When we produce fruit, our Father prunes us to increase our fruitfulness!
Is it pleasant at the time? Of course not, but trust in the Lord. He is working in our lives to increase the harvest of righteousness in us and through us. And what a beautiful likeness we will have. The Glory of the Son! Blessings to all.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Maiden Voyage