Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Dogs are Barkin'!

My dogs are barkin' and I am not talking about animals!  I went for a jog/walk with Katheen and the grandkids and the granddog, and my feet hurt!  Why is it always so much easier to get out of shape than to get in shape?

It is true is every area of my life.  Entropy is one of my least favorite laws of the universe!! I wonder if by the end of my life I will have learned that there is no way around it?  I must either advance or decline. Work or enter into sloth.  No wonder sloth is one of the seven deadly sins!  Becoming a couch potato leads to certain death!

So, as I entertain thoughts of competing in the Tough Mudder, I am forcing myself to get out on the road and go!  (I am seriously re-thinking this...just found out there are live wires that shock you at the end!) The dogs will just have put a muzzle on! I am not quitting!!

Huff, puff, huff, puff.......

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